Calorie Deficit

As by its name, it is all about reducing calories. Basically consuming less calories that your body needs.

What is Calorie Deficiency?

Generally, all weight reduction programs, when they count calories, they  work on the reason of calorie limitation.

There are many weight control plans out there, and they all work to a similar standard. The explanation being, eating less calories than your body needs, you are ensured to get in shape.

Fundamentally, you eat less calories than the body requires. Hence, you begin to shed pounds.

How to Start

To begin with the diet, it is suggested that a person’s intake is reduced by 3500 calories a week, which would make you lose one pound a week. This gives you an average of 500 calories less a day.

For an individual it is easier to have a consistent average daily reduction.

You will need the following:

  • Find your daily energy expenditure (TDEE)
  • Finding your resting metabolic rate (RMR)

With this said, you will need to  consume fewer calories than your total energy expend.


Some of the benefits of low Calorie Intake are:

  • Boosting your metabolism
  • Reducing nighttime hunger
  • Reduces appetite and Hunger levels
  • Slows down muscle loss
  • Weight loss



  • Restrictive
  • Can be difficult to follow
  • Can cause Health problems
  • Shouldn’t be used for prolonged periods of time

Side Effects

Despite the fact that decreasing calories is generally safe, you actually need to see also the dangers. Normally, when you start to reduce calories, your intake of nutrients is also reduced.

Some of the effects

  • It can reduce your metabolism
  • It might cause weakness and lacks in supplements
  • It might reduce fertility
  • It might debilitate bones
  • It might reduce your immune system

But if you calculate your calories and have between 200 and 500 calories less every day. Apparently, this is safe and will be suggested by a professional.

What to eat

This “diet” is not really a diet, as need to count you calorie. 
It does not mean you may eat everything you want, but it is more about been more conscious  and making good food choices.

What not to eat

As for all diet it is recommenced not to eat:

  • Processed food
  • sugary drinks
  • Refined sugars
  • trans fats

Table of Contents

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